Thursday, 20 August 2009

Donate for Water and Sanitation Campaign with Unicef

Donation £12 each month you will give 2 whole communities water pumps to access pure, healthy water.

The Facts

Washing your hands, drinking safe water and using basic sanitation facilities, such as toilets, can help prevent disease. Yet, every day 5,000 children die because of diseases spread by poor sanitation and unclean water. In fact, this is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of five.

Safe water and basic sanitation are critical for child survival, development and growth. However, half of all children born this year in developing countries will live in households without access to basic sanitation facilities. One-fifth will not have access to sustainable sources of drinking water.

With improved sanitation and access to safe water, they can easily prevent millions of cases of diarrhea, which result in so many children dying or becoming seriously ill. They urgently need the government to champion the 'Global Framework for Action' launched last year, which aims to tackle the crisis. You can help by taking their quick campaign action.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Make a Donation to support Focus the Nation on Global Warming Project

Focus the Nation are dedicated to providing opportunities for community education on clean energy, sustained engagement with elected officials, and developing clean energy leaders.


Focus the Nation empowers young people to accelerate the transition to a more just and prosperous clean energy future.


Focus the Nation is a national non-profit headquartered Portland, Oregon. They believe in the science of climate change and the opportunity it presents to rebuild American communities and US leadership at the local and international level. They are driven by a fierce commitment to empower young people with the leadership, educational and engagement opportunities that will accelerate our transition to a more just and prosperous clean energy future.

Through their Civic Engagement program area, They have executed two national campaigns on climate change and clean energy that have supported young leaders in sustained engagement with local, regional and federal elected and business leaders—building bridges between generations, campuses and communities and areas of the country that find themselves at different points (and velocities) along the trajectory toward the clean energy future.

Our 2008 Civic Engagement campaign organized 1900 climate change teach-ins on college campuses on Jan. 31, 2008, engaging 64 members of Congress in direct dialogue with youth activists during the height of the early presidential primaries. Between teach-ins and web-casts, we directly engaged more than 240,000 people in climate change educational forums. The teach-ins generated more than 900 press hits, including articles in TIME, Grist, New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, USA Today, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times and nearly every major daily from the Houston Chronicle to the Boston Globe.

Kicking off with Sen. Arlen Specter just days before he switched parties, their 2009 campaign organized 103 high-profile clean energy town halls during the April Congressional recess on and around April 18, 2009. With this campaign, they built off of their organizing tools and successful direct-dialogue model from the 2008 teach-ins and collaborated with partners like 1Sky, Energy Action Coalition, Sierra Student Coalition, BICEP, National Wildlife Federation, ACORE, and the Center for Food Safety. 75 members of Congress participated in the April Town Halls, 24 of whom are considered swings. Of swing Representatives who participated either live or with staff, 60% voted ‘Yes’ on ACES, compared to 40% of swings overall.

In April, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. John Kerry, said, “I want to thank everyone at Focus the Nation for their tireless effort to increase awareness of and prompt action to address global climate change and secure America’s energy future.” And Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said, “Since its inception, Focus the Nation has provided opportunities for young leaders across the country to make their voices heard.”

Their Beyond Carbon Leadership program area runs the Focus Roots Fellowships—a competitive, annual series of $10,000 grants awarded to the most innovative and creative young climate leaders. These fellowships invest in the early careers of promising young leaders needing financial and operational support to execute vibrant solutions to our crisis.

They are a small staff in Portland, Oregon with rockstar organizers and volunteers all over the country.

Focus the Nation is able to thrive because of the generous financial support from people like you.

For more information please visit -

7 Tips on Donation Wisely

1. Budget for donation.

Plan your philanthropic activities right into your budget just as you would other financial obligations.

2. Be an informed giver.

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you're asked to donate, including the specific name of the solicitor and his or her relationship to the organization, how much of your gift will be used for overhead, the specific project the money will go toward, and other important information. Give only when you feel comfortable that your dollars will be going to support an organization you know and believe in. Network for Good provides information on more than 1 million charitable organizations from the GuideStar database, so you can make an informed decision on the organization you decide to help.

3. Keep the right records.

For donations of less than $250, a canceled check or credit card statement is sufficient for IRS requirements. For larger gifts, you'll want to get a properly worded receipt from the charitable organization as a confirmation of your tax—deductible contribution. When you donate through Network for Good, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift. This e-mail meets IRS requirements.

4. Consider alternative forms of donation.

Don't overlook the benefits to you and your cause received from bequests, charitable gift annuities, gifts in kind, endowments and many other creative forms of giving. Ask your tax advisor or attorney to help you make the best plan for you and your family.

5. Volunteer!

In addition to financial support, consider giving your time and skills. Not only will you help the organization, but you'll also make contacts, hone your skills, and learn more about the charitable cause to which you're committing your time and money.

6. Don't forget you have the right to say no.

Donate generously when you can, but if you're unsure or feel uncomfortable—or if an organization simply falls outside your plan for giving—don't be afraid to say no. Or, ask for more information and take more time to think before making your decision.

7. Be a proactive donator!

You don't have to wait to be asked. Plan a giving strategy in advance. Contact the charitable organizations of your choice to discuss how your gifts can be most effectively used and help make a difference in your community.


Thursday, 13 August 2009

Donation information – Donate with American Red Cross

You have the power to make a difference in someone's life. All you have to do is make a contribution. Every donation helps provide services to those in need. When disaster strikes, your contributions can help bring comfort to those in distress.

About American Red Cross

Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization. As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.

Today, in addition to domestic disaster relief, the American Red Cross offers compassionate services in five other areas: community services that help the needy; support and comfort for military members and their families; the collection, processing and distribution of lifesaving blood and blood products; educational programs that promote health and safety; and international relief and development programs.

The American Red Cross is where people mobilize to help their neighbors—across the street, across the country, and across the world—in emergencies. Each year, in communities large and small, victims of some 70,000 disasters turn to neighbors familiar and new—the more than half a million volunteers and 35,000 employees of the Red Cross. Through over 700 locally supported chapters, more than 15 million people gain the skills they need to prepare for and respond to emergencies in their homes, communities and world.

Some four million people give blood—the gift of life—through the Red Cross, making it the largest supplier of blood and blood products in the United States. And the Red Cross helps thousands of U.S. service members separated from their families by military duty stay connected. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, a global network of 186 national societies, the Red Cross helps restore hope and dignity to the world's most vulnerable people.

An average of 91 cents of every dollar the Red Cross spends is invested in humanitarian services and programs. The Red Cross is not a government agency; it relies on donations of time, money, and blood to do its work.

The American National Red Cross is headquartered in Washington, Gail J. McGovern is President and CEO, and Bonnie McElveen-Hunter is Chairman of the Board of Governors.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Donation information – Donate to CCLG to support Cancer and Leukaemia research

All donations to the CCLG (Registered Charity 286669) are used to support their work in the area of children’s cancer (including clinical trials, basic scientific research, fostering international collaboration, or information for families). They are always happy to discuss specific requests to use donations to support particular areas of work.

About us

The Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group was formed in 2006 as a result of the merger of the UK Children’s Cancer Study Group and the UK Childhood Leukaemia Working Party, both of which had been in existence since the 1970s.

The CCLG currently has over 700 members, working in 21 Paediatric Oncology Centres throughout the British Isles, and including about 80 corresponding members from other countries around the world. Membership of the Group is multidisciplinary and includes clinicians, pathologists, and representatives of other disciplines, epidemiologists and basic scientists. The Constitution gives details of the various categories of membership.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Donation information – Save animal, donate with WWF

WWF urgently needs funds to help protect endangered species and their habitats around the world. Please give all you can and they promise to spend your money wisely.
- Donation £5 buys five seedlings to help replant the forests of Tanzania
- Donation £25 pays a Rhino Protection Unit ranger's salary for 10 days
- Donation £100 pays for the training of one villager, in Borneo, as an Honorary Wildlife Warden
- Donation £200 buys a camera trap to film tigers and other wildlife in Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand

About WWF

WWF believes in a future where people and nature thrive.
Best known as the world’s leading conservation body, they’ve seen first-hand how wildlife, the environment and human activity are all interlinked.

That’s why their passion for safeguarding the natural world has to be backed up by other environmental action – tackling the global threat of climate change (through our big global campaigns like Earth Hour) and helping people to change the way they live to ease pressure on natural resources.

WWF is at the heart of global activities in all these areas. They have teams of highly skilled professionals working with governments, businesses and communities here in the UK and around the world.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Donation for AIDS Research Alliance

Every day worldwide, over 5,500 people die of AIDS – a terrible number equivalent of one 9-11 terrorist attack each and every day. The only hope to stop these deaths – and to eliminate new infections – is medical research. But they need your help through your donation.

Your donation will:

- Help people with HIV/AIDS live longer and healthier lives

- Help us find strategies to prevent the further spread of HIV

- Champion our search for a cure

Know them before making a donation

Established in 1989, AIDS Research Alliance (ARA) envisions a future in which HIV and its effects on health are eliminated, and new infections are prevented. We exist TO DEVELOP A CURE FOR HIV/AIDS, medical strategies to prevent new infections and better treatments for people living with HIV/AIDS.

AIDS Research Alliance has conducted 80+ clinical and preclinical studies, ranging from therapies that take a holistic approach to HIV management to the first ever in-human HIV vaccine trial.

- Almost half of all existing anti-HIV treatments arrived to market—and arrived there faster—because of AIDS Research Alliance’s revolutionary research protocols.

- AIDS Research Alliance is the only non-profit, community-based research organization licensed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop an anti-HIV drug (prostratin).

- Watchdog groups, like the American Institute of Philanthropy have awarded AIDS Research Alliance their highest ratings. In fact, 85¢ of every dollar given to AIDS Research Alliance underwrite meaningful HIV research.

With a budget equal to one small medical practice, AIDS Research Alliance stands with major research institutions at the forefront of HIV science.

Pioneering HIV/AIDS Research in the U.S.

The core of AIDS Research Alliance’s non-profit research model is:

- Independent clinical research, without regard to profit or politics.

- Clinical trials seeking better anti-HIV treatments and technologies, and for HIV prevention research.

- Collaborations and strategic partnerships with other scientific organizations (including academic institutions, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and governmental agencies).

You can help them by making a donation to AIDS Research Alliance -

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Helping deaf or physically disabled people by making donation with NEADS

Donation $250 - adopt a dog in training to pay for the care during kennel stay
Graduation Sponsorship, full donation $5,000, cosponsor donation $2,500 - get visibility for your company/family/organization at NEADS signature event..
Sponsor a Dog, Full scholarship in kennel, donation $6,000 - enjoy having your company/family name/logo on the dog’s public equipment , great publicity and conducted field trips to NEADS for friends, family or employees.


NEADS (Dogs For Deaf and Disabled Americans), of Princeton, MA, is a non-profit organization, organized under section 501c (3) of the IRS code. NEADS was established in 1976 to train and provide independence to people who are deaf or physically disabled through the use of canine assistance. These assistance dogs become an extension of their owners and bring security, freedom, independence and relief from social isolation to their human partners.
You can help them by making a donation to NEADS -

Donation with National Brain Tumor Society

This year, more than 190,000 Americans will be diagnosed with a brain tumor. Patients and families will face extraordinary challenges as they seek help in coping with this devastating disease. The National Brain Tumor Society brings together the best of research and patient services to be a single, comprehensive resource for the entire brain tumor community – patients, families, caregivers, researchers, and medical professionals.

Your donation for this underfunded disease is critical – and they need your help today. Your tax-deductible gift will enable NBTS to fund even more research for a cure, and to expand our support programs to meet the needs of patients and families coping with a brain tumor today.

You can help them by making a donation to National Brain Tumor Society -

Protect children from cruelty - Donation for NSPCC

- Donation £2 a month could help answer even more calls to ChildLine. Last year they received 2.3 million calls from vulnerable children.

- Donation £5 a month could pay for a school counsellor and give a child who is bullied or abused someone to turn to right now.

- Donation £10 a month could pay towards therapy to help an abused child overcome the effects of abuse, such as depression and anxiety.

About the NSPCC

The London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in 1884.

It changed its name to The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in 1889.

Its aim then was to protect children from cruelty, support vulnerable families, campaign for changes to the law and raise awareness about abuse.

Today, the NSPCC looks very different, but its purpose remains the same: to end cruelty to children.

The NSPCC's work

They have 180 community-based projects and run the NSPCC Helpline and ChildLine in the UK and the Channel Islands.

Most of their work is with children, young people and their families.

They also work to achieve cultural, social and political change - influencing legislation, policy, practice, public attitudes and behaviours and delivering services for the benefit of young people.


They want to see a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential. To do this, they have four objectives:

- Mobilise everyone to take action to end child cruelty.

- Give children the help, support and environment they need to stay safe from cruelty.

- Find ways of working with communities to keep children safe from cruelty.

- Be, and be seen as, someone to turn to for children and young people.

You can help them by making a donation to NSPCC -

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Help climate change effected country, Haiti, by making a donation with Oxfam

Oxfam has been working in Haiti on disaster reduction since 2003. Helping people be better prepared not only saves lives and property but stops the downward spiral of poverty caused by relentless climate-related emergencies.

Your donation can help save many hundreds of lives threatened by a changing climate. Practically, your donation help will upgrade six emergency shelters that can protect up to 420 people. You will also fund the training of disaster committee members locally and regionally, so they are better prepared to respond and make more people aware of the risks. Nearly two million people stand to benefit indirectly, as the impact of extreme weather is gradually reduced and poor communities become less vulnerable.

The project involves

- Establishing emergency shelters in four provinces, with storage facilities equipped with necessities such as hygiene kits and kitchen items

- Producing and distributing awareness-raising kits to key audiences e.g. schools, to ensure people are more prepared to deal with climate-related events

- Organising local meetings to put in place plans to reduce the impact of disasters on communities

- Helping to establish a workable emergency response system across the country through national and local government.

can help them by making a donation to - Oxfam

Fight poverty in Africa with sustainable agricultural programmes - making a donation to Send a Cow organisation

Make a donation to Send a Cow and become part of a chain of giving. For every person they help directly, another 10 will go on to benefit.

Your donation will mean some of the poorest families in Africa receive gifts of livestock such as cows, goats, bees or poultry. It will mean that they also receive training in organic farming methods and other services to help them make the most of their gift. It will mean hope and renewed life.

And these people can then become donors themselves - passing on the gifts and training to other families in need. Creating a chain of giving that keeps on going.

- Donation £10 could provide four fruit tree saplings, giving a family a source of income

- Donation £25 could provide a week's worth of support for a community group

- Donation £45 could provide a farmer with the basic equipment to demonstrate techniques and provide training sessions, including a garden fork, watering can, welly boots, a spade, wheel barrow, garden rake, hoe and improved seeds.

- Donation £200 could transform a community. When Send a Cow works with a community, they include everyone, empowering those marginalised to take control of their animals, their fields, and their lives.

About Send a Cow

Send a Cow runs sustainable agricultural programmes in seven countries in Africa to help small-scale farmers overcome poverty and malnutrition. They were founded in 1988 by a group of UK farmers who sent cows to families in post-conflict Uganda. They are a Christian charity, which treats all people equally regardless of race, gender or creed. All those they work with undertake to pass on the benefits they gain, such as livestock and skills, to another family, so their work goes on multiplying throughout communities.

You can help them by making a donation to Send a Cow organisation -

Fight with heart disease by donation with British Heart Foundation

Every year they save thousands of lives thanks to their ground-breaking research and innovative health initiatives. But to do this they really do rely on the generosity of people like you to help them continue their vital work. You can make a difference today by making a donation with them. There are lots of ways to donate to them - from creating a fund in memory of a loved one to helping fund their big projects.

Their vision is of a world in which people do not die prematurely of heart disease. They'll achieve this through pioneering research, vital prevention activity and ensuring quality care and support for everyone living with heart disease.

You can help them by making a donation to British Heart Foundation -

Donate your money to fight the poverty with Practical Action

Offer the hand of friendship to poor communities by making a donation to Practical Action today.

- Donation £10 could buy a life-saving fuel-efficient stove for six families in Darfur, reducing the time women spend collecting firewood, fearing for their lives.

- Donation £25 could provide farmers in Sudan with a plough and soft harness that is kind to the donkey that pulls it, increasing productivity and reducing soil erosion.

- Donation £40 could buy a specially-designed potter's wheel which is culturally acceptable to women in Bangladesh, as it can be operated by pedals instead of sitting astride the wheel, allowing women at last to earn the money they desperately need to feed their families.

About Practical Action

For over 40 years Practical Action has been investing in simple and extremely effective technologies that give people the power to change their lives. Their experience tells them that you can't solve poverty by giving handouts, instead they work together with people in their homes and communities. They work at the heart of desperate communities across the world, helping people to find simple, sustainable solutions to problems they face.

You can help them by making a donation to Practical Action -

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Donate for educating children with Children in Crisis

Your donations, no matter how big or small, are essential for them to continue their work. Your gift can make a huge difference to the lives of vulnerable children around the world. It costs just £9 a month for them to send a child to school. They provide some of the world's most vulnerable children the education they need to help them change their lives forever.

About Children in Crisis

Children in Crisis was established in 1993 in the UK to give children in some of the world’s poorest countries the education they need to help transform their lives.
Worldwide, one in six children is denied an education. At the heart of our work is the belief that education is the best possible route out of poverty, bringing hope for a better future for families, communities and over time, whole societies.

Children in Crisis’ vision is of a world where all children have access to education to enable them to fulfil their potential to live positive, healthy lives and contribute to the development of the societies in which they live.

What they work

Children in Crisis currently operates in eight countries, working with local communities to meet the needs of children in the most effective way.

They work in partnership with local organisations to provide educational opportunities for some of the world’s most vulnerable children.

In Africa and Asia they support local organisations to develop education programmes for children and their communities. This includes training teachers, building and equipping schools, delivering community education programmes and training in basic health education including HIV prevention.

In Europe, there is a need for drugs education, particularly for children living in societies in which drug and alcohol misuse is common. They work with these children to ensure that they have the information and skills needed to make positive, informed decisions about their own lives.

For more information please visit -

Making regular donation for helping breast cancer people with Breast Cancer Care

You can either do a single donation or regular donation

About Breast Cancer Care

They want every person affected by breast cancer to get the best treatment, information and support. They combine the personal experiences of people affected by breast cancer with clinical expertise, using this in a unique way to:

- provide information and offer emotional and practical support
- bring people affected by breast cancer together
- campaign for improvement in standards of support and care
- promote the importance of early detection.

You can help them by making a donation to Breast Cancer Care -

Donation to sponsor a child with Plan Organization

You can sponsor a child with Plan organisation by making donation £12 per month.

In the world's poorest countries, millions of children live in desperate need of the very things we often take for granted - food, medicine, education and safe drinking water. Without these basics, they are often denied the chance they need to ever realise their full potential.

In some of the countries where Plan works, 1 in 5 children die before they even reach their fifth birthday. Those who survive often go hungry and have no chance of ever learning to read and write.

Your sponsorship not only helps to implement projects such as building schools, training teachers and providing water but it also provides them with the tools and knowledge to help make improvements to their lives and achieve long-term, generational change.

About Plan

Plan is a child-centred community development organisation with no religious and political affiliations, enabling families and communities in the poorest countries to make lasting improvements to the lives of their children.

Plan works with children, their parents, and their community, to plan practical ways to provide many of the things we take for granted in the UK, so that together we build schools, drill wells, get nurses trained and help families to better support themselves.

You can help them by making a donation to Plan Organization -

Monday, 3 August 2009

Protect children by making donaton with EveryChild

For as little as 50p a day, you can make a real and lasting difference to a vulnerable child just when they need it most.

- Donation £1, you could provide a hot meal for ten children in a shelter for street children in India
- Donation £20, you could provide for a family in Russia to become foster carers
- Donation £50, you could buy a bicycle for a community volunteer in Malawi so they can reach families in remote rural areas

About EveryChild organisation

EveryChild is an international development charity committed to protecting the rights of the world's most vulnerable and marginalised children.
Across 17 countries they fight to protect the most vulnerable and excluded children, giving them the chance to grow up in loving families with a safe and secure future. In all their projects they aim to innovate to bring about lasting, positive change in partnership with communities and governments.

Their projects give children the tools they need to shape their own futures. In order to do this they listen to what the communities tell them, and design each project to meet their specific needs. They deliver ground-breaking child-centred services to support and protect those children who are most vulnerable and hardest to reach, already separated from their families and coping alone.

The children they work with

They work with children who are, or risk being, separated from their families. This includes:
- Children living in institutional care
- Children living and working on the streets
- Children forced into child labour
- Children in danger of abuse or exploitation
You can help them by making a donation to EveryChild -

Donate for Cancer research with Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. They support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,500 scientists, doctors and nurses.

What they do

Around 285,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year in the UK. At Cancer Research UK they are working hard to improve their understanding of cancer and develop better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease.
-Cancer Research UK supports scientists, doctors and nurses across the UK, who are working together to investigate all aspects of cancer
-Providing cancer information – millions of people have benefited from information provided by Cancer Research UK. They produce information for audiences including cancer patients and their families, the general public and health professionals

Donate with Cancer Research UK

Their new campaigns is “Make a regular donation” by donating £2 a month by Direct Debit and help us to plan better for the future

For more information please visit :

Making Donation to UNICEF's work with children worldwide

For every pound from your donataion to UNICEF UK 77p goes directly to their work with children, the rest of your donation will be spent in their administrative and fundraising activities.

- Donation 6£ per month, you could provide water kits giving 7 families access to safe drinking water.

- Donation 14£ per month, you could give 80 children the resources to go to school by providing a school-in-a-box kit in an emergency.

- Donation 25£ per month, you could pay for medicine and support to help 4 mothers with HIV give birth to babies free from HIV.

You can help them by making a donation to Unicef -

International Donation information

Welcome to my International Donation information Blog.

Please find an international donation information and slecte the most suited campaign for you to them. Your donation, no matter how much ti is, is important for them to continue their work