Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Help climate change effected country, Haiti, by making a donation with Oxfam

Oxfam has been working in Haiti on disaster reduction since 2003. Helping people be better prepared not only saves lives and property but stops the downward spiral of poverty caused by relentless climate-related emergencies.

Your donation can help save many hundreds of lives threatened by a changing climate. Practically, your donation help will upgrade six emergency shelters that can protect up to 420 people. You will also fund the training of disaster committee members locally and regionally, so they are better prepared to respond and make more people aware of the risks. Nearly two million people stand to benefit indirectly, as the impact of extreme weather is gradually reduced and poor communities become less vulnerable.

The project involves

- Establishing emergency shelters in four provinces, with storage facilities equipped with necessities such as hygiene kits and kitchen items

- Producing and distributing awareness-raising kits to key audiences e.g. schools, to ensure people are more prepared to deal with climate-related events

- Organising local meetings to put in place plans to reduce the impact of disasters on communities

- Helping to establish a workable emergency response system across the country through national and local government.

can help them by making a donation to - Oxfam

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